Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tv Dvd Buying HP Pavilion Dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6" LED Screen, AMD A8-3520M 1.6GHz, 6GB Memory, 500GB HDD, DVD Burner, Windows 7 Home Premium<h3>tv Dvd : HP Pavilion Dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6" LED Screen, AMD A8-3520M 1.6GHz, 6GB Memory, 500GB HDD, DVD Burner, Windows 7 Home Premium Reviews</h3></br> <div Style="margin:0px;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:20px;display:none;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="/ref=cm_cr_if_logo/181-1089353-7892209?ie=UTF8&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="113" Alt="" Height="23" Border="0" /></a> </div> <div> <div Style="float:left;margin-right:20px;display:none;"> <div Style="font-size:24px;letter-spacing:-1px;">Customer Reviews</div> <div Style="font-weight:bold;"> Average Customer Review </div> <div Style="white-space:nowrap;"> <span Class="crAvgStars" Style="white-space:no-wrap;"><span Class="asinReviewsSummary" Name="B00771V6GC" Ref="cm_cr_if_acr_cm_cr_acr_pop_" Getargs="{&quot;tag&quot;:&quot;allaboutroadb-20&quot;,&quot;linkCode&quot;:&quot;xm2&quot;}"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="55" Alt="4.5 Out Of 5 Stars" Align="absbottom" Title="4.5 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp;</span>( <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">2 Customer Reviews</a>)</span> </div> </div> <div Style="float:left;display:none;"> <div Style="display:block; Text-align:center; Padding-bottom: 5px;" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <b>2 Reviews</b> </div> <table Border="0" Cellspacing="1" Cellpadding="0" Align="left"> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">5 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; Background-color: #eeeecc" Width="60" Align="left" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="50%"><div Style="background-color:#FFCC66; Height:13px; Width:50%;"></div></td> <td Align="right" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(1)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;"target="_top">4 Star</a>: </td> <td Style="min-width:60; Background-color: #eeeecc" Width="60" Align="left" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="50%"><div Style="background-color:#FFCC66; Height:13px; Width:50%;"></div></td> <td Align="right" Style="font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(1)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <span Style="color: #666666; Font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;">3 Star</span>: </td> <td Width="60" Align="left" Style="background-color: #eeeecc" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="0%">&nbsp;</td> <td Align="right" Style="color: #666666;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(0)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <span Style="color: #666666; Font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;">2 Star</span>: </td> <td Width="60" Align="left" Style="background-color: #eeeecc" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="0%">&nbsp;</td> <td Align="right" Style="color: #666666;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(0)</td> </tr> <tr> <td Align="left" Style="padding-right:0.5em;padding-bottom:1px;white-space:nowrap;font-size:10px;"> <span Style="color: #666666; Font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;">1 Star</span>: </td> <td Width="60" Align="left" Style="background-color: #eeeecc" Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Title="0%">&nbsp;</td> <td Align="right" Style="color: #666666;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;;font-size:10px;">&nbsp;(0)</td> </tr> <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><div Style="width:60px;">&nbsp;</div></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr> </table> </div> </div> <div Style="clear:left;width:100%;"> <table Class="crIFrameReviewList"> <tr> <td> <!-- BOUNDARY --> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="RSH95PDR0VSYK"></a><br /> <div Style="margin-left:0.5em;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> 21 Of 22 People Found The Following Review Helpful </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Style='margin-left: -5px;'><img Src="" Width="64" Alt="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Title="5.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /> </span> <b>Quite Impressive</b>, <nobr>February 14, 2012</nobr> </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <div><div Style="float:left;">By&nbsp;</div><div Style="float:left;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><span Style = "font-weight: Bold;">Jeff Durbin "jeffreydurbin"</span></a> (Iowa, United States) - <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";linkCode=xm2&amp;sort_by=MostRecentReview&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top">See All My Reviews</a><br /> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="AmazonHelp" Onclick="return Amz_js_PopWin(this.href,'AmazonHelp','width=340,height=340,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=1,status=1');" ><img Src="" Width="70" Align="absmiddle" Alt="(REAL NAME)" Height="15" Border="0" /></a> &nbsp;&nbsp; </div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>HP Pavilion Dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6" LED Screen, AMD A8-3520M 1.6GHz, 6GB Memory, 500GB HDD, DVD Burner, Windows 7 Home Premium (Personal Computers)</b> </div> My Daughter Is Preparing For High School And She Wants To Attend A School Dedicated To Communications And Graphic Arts. As Such, I Needed To Purchase A Laptop Well-suited For Her Needs And One That Would Last 4 1/2 Years Until She Goes To College.<br /><br />I Originally Settled On A Sony At Best Buy On Sale For $599 But I Did Not Pull The Trigger Before It Went Up In Price To $629. Although $599 Was A Very Good Price For A Laptop That Sells For $700 Almost Everywhere Else, I'm Glad I Didn't. That Sony Had The 2nd Generation Core I5 Processor, Which I Thought Was The Sweet Spot Between Exceptional Performance And Price.<br /><br />As I Did More Research, I Discovered That The AMD Vision A8 Processor Was Vastly Superior To Not Only The Intel Core I5 But Also The Core I7 On Graphics Tasks. Yes, Both Of The Intels Beat The AMD A8 On Basic Computational Tasks In The Various Tests But In Reality Any Of These Processors Are Quite Fast In The Real World And Unlikely To Be Noticeably... <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Read More</a> <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="RSH95PDR0VSYK.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="RSH95PDR0VSYK.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comment (1)</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> <!-- BOUNDARY --> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R34XRB4A15GW60"></a><br /> <div Style="margin-left:0.5em;"> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Style='margin-left: -5px;'><img Src="" Width="64" Alt="4.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Title="4.0 Out Of 5 Stars" Height="12" Border="0" /> </span> <b>Good Design</b>, <nobr>August 29, 2012</nobr> </div> <div Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <div><div Style="float:left;">By&nbsp;</div><div Style="float:left;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><span Style = "font-weight: Bold;">RiverAlex</span></a> - <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";linkCode=xm2&amp;sort_by=MostRecentReview&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top">See All My Reviews</a></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <span Class="crVerifiedStripe"><b Class="h3color Tiny" Style="margin-right: 0.5em;">Amazon Verified Purchase</b><span Style="display:none;">( <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="AmazonHelp" Onclick="amz_js_PopWin('', 'AmazonHelp', 'width=400,height=500,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,status=1');return False; ">What's This?</a>)</span></span> </div> <div Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="margin-bottom:0.5em;"> <b><span Class="h3color Tiny">This Review Is From: </span>HP Pavilion Dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6" LED Screen, AMD A8-3520M 1.6GHz, 6GB Memory, 500GB HDD, DVD Burner, Windows 7 Home Premium (Personal Computers)</b> </div> The Button Near The Battery Can Be Used To Open Both The Battery And The Back Side Of This Laptop. So It Is Convenient To Replace The Hard Disk And The Memory. Nice Design. However, Making A Mistake In Pressing The Button Will Bring Troubles To You. <div Style="padding-top: 10px; Clear: Both; Width: 100%;display:none;"> <div Style="float:left; Padding-right:15px; Border-right:1px Solid #CCCCCC"><div Style="padding-bottom:5px;"><b Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;" Style="color:#666666;white-space:nowrap;">Help Other Customers Find The Most Helpful Reviews</b>&nbsp;</div><div Style="width:300px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R34XRB4A15GW60.2115.Helpful.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span <nobr><span Class="votingPrompt">Was This Review Helpful To You?&nbsp;</span> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="Yes" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="votingButtonReviews" Href=""><img Src="" Width="35" Alt="No" Style="vertical-align:middle;" Height="18" Border="0" /></a></nobr> <span Class="votingMessage"></span></span> </div></div><div Style="float:left;"><div Style="padding-left:15px;"><div Style="white-space:nowrap;"><span Class='tiny'> <a Rel="nofollow" Name="R34XRB4A15GW60.2115.Inappropriate.Reviews" Style="font-size:1px;"> </a><span Class="reportingButton"><nobr> <a Rel="nofollow" Rel="nofollow" Class="reportingButton" Href="" >Report Abuse</a></nobr></span> </span> <span Style="color:#CCCCCC;">|</span> <span Style=font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:x-small;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Permalink</a></span></div><div Style="white-space:nowrap;padding-left:-5px;padding-top:5px;"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="16" Alt="Comment" Hspace="3" Align="absmiddle" Height="16" Border="0" /></a>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">Comment</a></div></div></div><div Style="clear:both;"></div> </div> <br /> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <div Style="display:none;" > Share Your Thoughts With Other Customers: <span Class="crIFrameCreateReviewButton"> <a Rel="nofollow" Href=";asin=B00771V6GC&amp;linkCode=xm2&amp;nodeID=&amp;tag=allaboutroadb-20" Target="_top"><img Src="" Width="145" Alt="" Height="22" Border="0" /></a></span> </div> <span Class="small"><b><b Class="h3color">&rsaquo;</b>&nbsp; <a Rel="nofollow" Href="" Target="_top">See Both Customer Reviews...</a></b></span> </div> </div> <div Id='be' Style='display:none;'><form Name='ue_backdetect'><input Name='ue_back' Value='1' Type='hidden'></form><script Type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ (function(a){if(a.uet){a.uet("be")}if(a.onLdEnd){if(window.addEventListener){window.addEventListener("load",a.onLdEnd,false)}else{if(window.attachEvent){window.attachEvent("onload",a.onLdEnd)}}}if(a.ueh){a.ueh(0,window,"load",a.onLd,1)}if(a.ue_pr&&(a.ue_pr==3||a.ue_pr==4)){a.ue._uep()}})(ue_csm); /* ]]> */</script> </div> <noscript><img Height=1 Width=1 Style='display:none;visibility:hidden' Src='/gp/uedata/'181-1089353-7892209'?noscript&amp;id='0JKH7YX2AJ0SZQXWRC1P'' /></noscript> <script Type='text/javascript'>/* <![CDATA[ */ (function(a){a._uec=function(d){var G=window,b=g.performance,f=b?b.navigation.type:0;if(f==0){var E="; Expires="+new Date(+new Date+1800000).toGMTString(),c=+new Date-ue_t0;if(c!=0){document.cookie="csm-hit="+(d/c).toFixed(2)+e+"; Path=/"}}}})(ue_csm); _uec(50131); /* ]]> */</script>

HP Pavilion dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6

HP Pavilion dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.5

List Price : $2,999.00 Price :
HP Pavilion dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6

Product Description

Provides up to 6 hours of battery life on a single charge. Supports Energy Star® and EPEAT® Silver standards. Beats AudioTM with 4 integrated speakers for great sound. Built-in HD webcam and microphone let you keep in touch with others via video and voice messaging. Memory card reader for fast, easy photo transfers. Transfer your digital photos, music and other files from Secure Digital (SD) and MultiMediaCard (MMC) memory cards. USB 3.0 ports for ultra-fast data transfers. The 2 ports provide speeds up to 10 times faster than USB 2.0. Fully compatible with USB 2.0 devices. HDMI port lets you view videos and photos on your HDTV. (HDMI cable sold separately.)

  • Intel A Series Processor
  • 500GB Hard Drive
  • 15.6-Inch Screen
  • Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

HP Pavilion dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6" LED Screen, AMD A8-3520M 1.6GHz, 6GB memory, 500GB HDD, DVD Burner, Windows 7 Home Premium Reviews

tv dvd : HP Pavilion dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6" LED Screen, AMD A8-3520M 1.6GHz, 6GB memory, 500GB HDD, DVD Burner, Windows 7 Home Premium Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
2 Reviews
5 star:
4 star:
3 star:    (0)
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1 star:    (0)

21 of 22 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Quite impressive, February 14, 2012
Jeff Durbin "jeffreydurbin" (Iowa, United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: HP Pavilion dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6" LED Screen, AMD A8-3520M 1.6GHz, 6GB memory, 500GB HDD, DVD Burner, Windows 7 Home Premium (Personal Computers)
My daughter is preparing for high school and she wants to attend a school dedicated to communications and graphic arts. As such, I needed to purchase a laptop well-suited for her needs and one that would last 4 1/2 years until she goes to college.

I originally settled on a Sony at Best Buy on sale for $599 but I did not pull the trigger before it went up in price to $629. Although $599 was a very good price for a laptop that sells for $700 almost everywhere else, I'm glad I didn't. That Sony had the 2nd generation Core i5 processor, which I thought was the sweet spot between exceptional performance and price.

As I did more research, I discovered that the AMD Vision A8 processor was vastly superior to not only the Intel Core i5 but also the Core i7 on graphics tasks. Yes, both of the Intels beat the AMD A8 on basic computational tasks in the various tests but in reality any of these processors are quite fast in the real world and unlikely to be noticeably... Read more
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4.0 out of 5 stars Good design, August 29, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: HP Pavilion dv6-6c48us Laptop Computer - 15.6" LED Screen, AMD A8-3520M 1.6GHz, 6GB memory, 500GB HDD, DVD Burner, Windows 7 Home Premium (Personal Computers)
The button near the battery can be used to open both the battery and the back side of this laptop. So it is convenient to replace the hard disk and the memory. Nice design. However, making a mistake in pressing the button will bring troubles to you.
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